Information resource center

O‘zbekiston davlat san’at madaniyat institutining Farg‘ona mintaqaviy filiali

On the basis of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the establishment of the Fergana regional branch of the  State Institute of Art  and Culture of Uzbekistan” (August 16, 2017, PQ-3218) continues to operate. In order to meet the intellectual needs of the younger generation, taking into account modern requirements in the organization of the library network, as well as to create the necessary conditions to provide the population with a wider and more systematic information, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2006 In accordance with the Resolution No. PQ-381 of June 20, 2006 and the Order of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 295 of December 29, 2006, it was transformed into the Information Resource Center. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1487 of February 23, 2011 “On measures to improve the quality of information library and information resource services on the basis of information and communication technologies in 2011-2015” Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-280 of April 13, 2017 “On the activities of the information library” and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2017 “On the development of the system of printing and distribution of book products Work is underway on the basis of the order “On the establishment of a commission for advocacy.”

O‘zbekiston davlat san’at madaniyat institutining Farg‘ona mintaqaviy filiali

Rahmonova Donoxon Ruzmatovna

Director of the Information Resource Center of the Fergana regional branch of the  State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan.


1995-2019 – Teacher of Uzbek language and literature of Kokand Vocational College of Auto Transport of Fergana region

2020 – Director of the Information Resource Center of the Fergana regional branch of the Uzbek Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan

Duties of the Director of the Information Resource Center

  • Connect with universities, regional and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, and central IRCs to constantly increase the IRC library fund;
  • Monitoring the implementation of all bibliographic works;
  • Organization of subscriptions to newspapers and magazines for IRC;
  • Branch IRCs communicate with other IRCs;
  • Organization of book fairs in the Information Resource Center;
  • Development of future and current work plans;
  • Organization of formation, regulation and maintenance of the library (Information Resource Center) fund;
  • Provision of the library (Information Resource Center) with the necessary equipment, technical means, as well as computerization;
  • Provide the library (Information Resource Center) with qualified staff, make proper use of knowledge and experience of staff, take measures to increase their responsibility for the work assigned;
  • Selection and placement of employees, control over labor and production discipline;
  • Responsible for the work of the processing and assembly department: participates in the development and review of plans of publishers, collects literature in bibcollectors and bookstores, network branch and post office for the complete collection of library (information resource center) funds liaising with bookstores, directing the removal of literature from the library (information resource center) and receiving other books in lieu of lost ones, checking accounting documents.

Reception days: every day from 9:00 to 17:00

Phone: +998903606397


Telegram: @filial_arm